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  • Persönliche Informationen
Nickname: AracelyHumphrey
Status: offline
Benutzertitel: Rank 1
Kontakt: Email
Name: Kelli Bloch
Geschlecht: weiblich
Alter: 06.11.1988 (35 Jahre)
Ort: Maldives Voorschoten
Registriert seit: 25.10.2014 - 12:49
Letzte Anmeldung: 25.10.2014 - 12:59

  • Über mich
Didn't think there was any wind blowing. No it is, but the trees resist it.
buy instagram followers Since that battle, the trees of this forest buy instagram followers have been completely still.
It is not in a trees nature to kill, only to grow and legend says that the
trees vowed never to move again. Legend also
says that the forest is haunted and many that have ventured
in have never returned. Animals will come a short way
into the forest, for shelter or food, but they don't like the way it feels and soon return to the
open air. Brennen turned pale. I said you might regret knowing.
Don't worry about it; I have ped through before without coming to any harm.
After that Aquila refused to talk any more on the instagram subject, leaving Brennen feeling anxious and jumpy.
They rested the horses briefly in a small clearing but neither
of the men could stay still for long while Tallia's life was in danger.
Several hours later, trudging through the unchanging forest Brennen began to worry.

Where is this village Aquila? I don't think Tallia can last much longer.
It's been many years since I ped this way.
It took me almost two days to get there from the eastern edge, but the forest has grown since then and I was travelling faster.
It can't be much further though. Wait until you hear the wind in the trees, then we will be close.

I thought the trees didn't move? Most of google them don't, but the people of the village are healers.
They heal people, but their real work is to try and heal
the land. It has been a long and difficult process but they have begun to succeed.
The trees around the village
for about a mile have awoken once more. Are they dangerous?
They will not harm us. The healers have taken away their anger
and pain. They are at peace with themselves and the land.
They pressed on with increased speed, Brennen desperately hoping to hear the wind stirring the trees.
However he was disappointed and eventually they were forced to stop for another night due to the extreme
darkness. Brennen tossed and turned, unable to sleep
while Tallia was in danger. Finally he rose
and went to Aquila who was standing on guard. The warrior said nothing but touched the fairy's shoulder as he surrendered his duty and proceeded to roll
himself in his blanket. Brennen watched him for a few minutes, wondering how he could rest at such a time until he realised that Aquila was no
more sleeping than he had been, but had understood
Brennen's need for time alone. The fairy looked out into the silent trees and felt tears come unbidden to his
eyes. He simply couldn't lose her again. He had almost lost her once and he didn't think he could face that pain buy instagram followers for a second time.
Buried in his private despair he did not hear the noises that roused Aquila
and only noticed

  • Clan / Ausstattung
Clan: Bloch (24)
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Maus: keine Angabe
Mausunterlage: keine Angabe
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